JQuery Effects in a JSF Application


Nowadays whenever I surf the net, I am crossing an article about Jquery. The reason is JQuery relishes our application in a fascinated manner that tempts me to ponder the internet to find the ways to implement JQuery in a JSF application. Eventually I found that Richfaces component library provides an easiest way to implement JQuery in a JSF application.

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What Java EE Server do you use?

Java EE servers are based on the Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE™) and is used widely to provide code portability, reuse across tiers, platform support, scalability and for EJB strengths. Instead these supports are provided by the most of the java EE servers, this article is the place where you can share the Java EE servers used during your project development. I have assessed most of the Java EE servers used by the developers in the below. Kindly choose the Java EE server(Choose all that apply) which you use, also share the reason why you choose the particular Java EE server for your project development. Also if your option is others remark your Java EE server in the comments.

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Live Charts in JSF using Primefaces


Quite some time back I had wrote an article about “Charts in JSF using Primefaces”, where I had specified the ways to construct the commonly used charts for a web application. But in this article let us learn how to construct a chart that displays the live data. Primefaces charts has built in support for ajax-polling and provides a feature for diplaying live, dynamic, real-time data based on flash. This feature may be used in our real time application to indicate the changing temperatures or to show the profit/loss in a stock market. Before proceeding in to this article, you need to configure Primefaces along with JSF in your favourite IDE. I hope the article “Step by step tutorial to setup Primefaces in Netbeans” would be helpful to do so, and also we should have the prerequisites stated below,

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Charts in JSF using Primefaces


In the Previous days the charts can be created in the JSF application with the use of JSF Chart Creator, But now while surfing the net the peoples suggested to get rid of JSF Chart Creator and to focus on Primefaces charts. Definitely I am sure Primefaces provides the easiest ways to create charts components in a JSF application which is based on flash based YUI charts. In this article we are going to construct the most commonly used chart types in a JSF application with the use of Primefaces.

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What component library do you use with JSF?

JavaServerFaces (JSF) is a standardized specification for building User Interfaces for server-side applications and also the third party libraries can be easily incorporated in to the JSF applications. Instead there are many third party libraries and each relishes our web application in its own certain way. I am very keen to know what component libraries often used by the developers while constructing a web project. I have assessed most of the components libraries used by the developers in the below. Kindly choose the component library which you use with JSF(choose all that apply). If your option is others, kindly remark the component library in the comments.

Note: Poll closed on 24/11/2009

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Step by step tutorial to setup Primefaces in Netbeans


This tutorial shows how to setup Primefaces component suite for a JSF or a Facelets project along with Richfaces in Netbeans6.x. Furthermore, you can learn how to make a hello world application using Primefaces in JSF. First let me give a small intro about Primefaces, which is an open source component suite for Java Server Faces and contains so many obliging features. At first Primefaces is a light weight component that contains more than seventy ajax powered JSF components with rich look and feel.

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Layouting and Dynamic Includes in Facelets


A classified web applications necessitate the use of Cascading Style Sheets(CSS), JavaScript, together with a server-side framework, such as JavaServer Faces(JSF). This article is consecrated for the peoples who wants to use facelets as an alternative view technology for building JSF applications. This article is splitted in to two-part series, Here you will find out how to make a complete Layout in JSF using facelets. In addition, learn how to include the pages dynamically, so that you can make use of serveral JSF forms more dynamic.

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JSF+Facelets+Richfaces Installation-Guide


Installing facelets together with richfaces is very simple. I used to develope web applications with JSF and its libraries like richfaces, Icefaces and so on. But I felt, my application have achieved a greater landmark only after implementing facelets. The reason is, facelets contains obliging features like templating(Similarly like struts), Composition components(Reuse can be achieved), also resolves the mismatch between JSF and JSP technologies(Eg: <jsp:param> tag cannot be used in JSF while using <jsp:include> tag) and so on.

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Resolve IE8 Compatibility Issues with Richfaces


I have developed a web application in JSF along with richfaces. My application perfectly works in the various browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome also in IE6 and IE7. But in IE8, I found a compatability issue with Richfaces. I felt wrecked, because the web application designed in the older version browsers, doesnt have the support in the newer versions. But eventually I have a founded a solution to resolve this Richfaces compatability issues in IE8. The way is to implement “IE=7” X-UA-Compatible tag, which instructs IE8 to display content in IE7 Standards mode.

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Tricks to Add Scroll Bars for Rich ModalPanel

Rich faces contains so many benificial components which also includes rich:modalpanel. Implementing rich:modalpanel is quite easy by following the document of richfaces. But assume that if the page to be displayed in the modal panel  is bigger that the monitor screen size, definitely the page will be extended over the screen with no scroll bars. The first question comes to the mind is “How could I invoke scroll bars to the modalpanel”. Dont worry it will be touched on soon.

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